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Motion Picture Executives

67,711Total Motion Picture Executives Postal Addresses$75/M
67,711With Telephone Numbers+ $15/M
13,166With Email Addresses$300/M Blast or $325 Released

This is the most comprehensive database of Motion Picture Executives available. These Motion Picture Executives assist in the production of movies, cartoons, shows, commercials, etc.

These companies are selectable by production type, employee size, and much more.

See why Complete Medical Lists is the source for Motion Picture Executives:

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Additional Segments for Motion Picture Executives

Production Type
17,409Motion picture and video production
2,291Motion picture production
667Cartoon motion picture production
438Educational motion picture production
242Educational motion picture production, television
139Industrial motion picture production
1,609Motion picture production and distribution
1,553Motion picture production and distribution, television
46Non-theatrical motion picture production
111Non-theatrical motion picture production, television
17Religious motion picture production
4,804Television film production
180Training motion picture production
11,693Video production
924Music video production
3,247Video tape production
4,079Audio-visual program production
207Cartoon production, television
1,461Commercials, television: tape or film
7,924Services allied to motion pictures
176Personnel services, motion picture production
168Cameraman, freelance
166Casting bureau, motion picture
367Consultants, motion picture
223Directors, independent: motion picture
33Employment agencies, motion picture
82Reproduction services, motion picture production
2,557Video tape or disk reproduction
613Editing services, motion picture production
682Film processing, editing, and titling: motion picture
337TV tape services: editing, transfers, etc.
152Equipment and prop rental, motion picture production
387Equipment rental, motion picture
54Film library, stock footage
341Studio property rental, motion picture
13Wardrobe rental for motion picture film production
18Developing and laboratory services, motion picture
81Developing and printing of commercial motion picture film
474Laboratory service, motion picture
945Sound effects and music production, motion picture
801Visual effects production


Phone Number$15/M
# of Employees$5/M
Sales Volume$5/M
Job Title$10/M

Delivery Charges

P/S Labels:$10/M
Key Coding:$2/M

Ordering Instructions

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We're also proud of how comprehensive our lists are. No one else has medical data with as much specialty, demographic, and lifestyle information as we do. Whether you're looking for specialty doctors, affluent travelers, catalog shoppers, or a combination of all of those - we have you covered. Our hundreds of select options ensure your ideal audience is targeted.

Call us today at (603) 823-8042 and let us help you start finding new clients.